Hopefully, the words I write this blog, it will empower and encourage you to be great. As dads, we take risks, we do whatever it takes to build success for our family. People may see us as just a dad that should be doing what dads do. It's more than that. If you want to be true to yourself, ask your children or wife. "Hey! How I'm doing ?"
Trust me, they will be brutally honest. Now I don't have or will ever claim that I know everything. However, I can give a little advice on how to be better. The reason I say this because I allowed myself to be open to others. You say what do I mean. Many people can not handle to be corrected or be told that they can do it differently. Let's be honest. You can't handle it! Once you set your mind to do something, it's carved in stone. You have allowed your ego or pride to get in the way. Hint! My blessings have come from the least places. I remember what my mother regularly preach to this day. "You are never too old to learn from anyone, no matter what age they are." So here's my take. As a husband and dad, I can genuinely say not everything will go according to plan. However, I continued to love and have patience.
Here are some tools as we journey through 2020
Dream big! As Dads, we have stopped dreaming. Why? You have to believe that you can and will make your dreams a reality.When others can not see your vision, it doesn't matter, the vision was for you.When I was in college, I held on to these exact words: "Delayed but not denied."Pray, pray, pray, and believe in what you are praying for. Work the gift that God gave you. Sleep, breathe, eat until it manifests. When you fall, no matter how many times... Get back up!
