Fathers, Real Love is tested when those you love become ill.
M.E. Collins
Aug 21, 20221 min read
“I want to scream, cry, and punch a wall!”
It's a normal reaction when you get news that your loved one or child is ill. Even more challenging is when your girlfriend, fianceé, or wife is battling an illness such as cancer, lupus, or any other disease that can take a toll on the body. The only thing we can do fathers is first listen. Pray to God to keep and heal your loved ones body. If your already doing it, or not become more supportive. This includes all the things your love does you may have to until she is at a 100℅. Ask your child to hug them, let them know you are there for them. It will get better! This is real love whether things are great or not going so good. Be strong, be supportive, but most of all, be a Dad!