Dads! There are priceless moments and priceless people. One of these people is your mother!
There is nothing like a mother. Through your good and your bad, your mother is there. She is your biggest cheerleader and, at times, your advisor. She takes on the role of seeing to it your every need and finding ways to meet those needs. From the time you celebrate that “A” on a test, or helping your team win, she is there. When you have your first date to the day you get married, she reminds you how you should interact and really get to know the person, even when you did not listen to her advise. She continued to show unconditional love. When you slept, she was preparing a way for you to succeed. During your teenage years, many of you gave your mother pure hell. You did not say to her “ I love you Mom”. When you are sick, she makes a way to get you to the doctor or medical treatment. That’s what a mother does. She prays for you and has others keep you in prayer. For many of you, your mother will always be in your heart. You know the sacrifices she has made for you to get to where you are today.

As a grown man, I miss my mother that raised me, and yes, I feel robbed at times because she could not see all the things I do to help others without asking for anything! When many counted me out, my mother was there. Today, those with a dad or mother or without, if you want to prove them all wrong, succeed in life. Bring your mother flowers while she is alive and remember the moms that paved the way for us. Celebrated her for all she does. To the mothers who were not there for your children, make it right with your children and ask for their forgiveness.
God Bless you Mothers! Happy Mothers Day!