Fathers we are so blessed and loved. God has shown us favor in every aspect of our lives. Even with the difficulties and successes, we still are doing better than most. The laughter of children.or the smile from your loved ones, aunts and uncles and siblings as you enjoyed one another company. This holiday is the opportunity to show and give your time to others. Remember, someone will not be eating or enjoying a Thanksgiving. You can pay for someone's groceries or join an organization that gives out food to the needy. You can find a charity that you can donate your finances to feed a family. It goes a long way and many do appreciate it. You never know that you may end in up in that situations with no fault of our own. Christmas time, many kids look forward to gifts, especially the ones in a group home, hospital or a care facility. Fathers you can tell them the importance of Christmas and the greatest gift Jesus was born. Many churches and different organization collect toys for kids. Show your children the love of God this holiday season by finding a reputable organization that you feel comfortable with.